Banjo East Women Entrepreneurs Coop.
Type of Business: Cooperatives
Address: Brgy. Balele Tanauan City Batangas
Address: Brgy. Balele Tanauan City Batangas
1001 Gas Enterprises
Type of Business: Enterprises
Address: Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Address: Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Ablou Body, Personal & Household Care Shop
Type of Business: SPA & SKIN CARE CENTER
Address: Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Address: Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Carl Frederick Sari-Sari Store
Type of Business: Sari Sari Store
Address: #237 Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Address: #237 Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Cobra Base Mini Store
Type of Business: Sari Sari Store
Address: # 131 Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Address: # 131 Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Crystal Clear Water Store ( Franchisee)
Address: #297 Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas
Address: #297 Brgy. Banjo East Tanauan City Batangas