Hadgie Rice Store
Type of Business: Retailer(Rice)
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.) Batangas City Batangas
Nesmart Rice Store & Gen. Mdse.
Type of Business: General Merchandise w/ Rice Retail
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.) Batangas City Batangas
3 Master Trading
Type of Business: Retailer (Rice & Grains)
Address: Cuta (Pastor Road) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Cuta (Pastor Road) Batangas City Batangas
MRWN Rice Dealer & General Merchandise
Type of Business: Grocery Store w/ rice
Address: Cuta (Pastor Road) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Cuta (Pastor Road) Batangas City Batangas
RMBMC Agrivet Supply
Type of Business: Retailer(Feeds/Agri-Vet Supply)
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.,) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.,) Batangas City Batangas
Bayle Charcoal Store
Type of Business: Retailer(Charcoal)
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Cuta(Pastor Rd.) Batangas City Batangas