Liberty Baptist Christian School
Type of Business: Educational Institutions
Address: Sangi Road, Pajo LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) Cebu
Address: Sangi Road, Pajo LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) Cebu
Stephanie Preschool Center
Type of Business: Educational Institutions
Address: Caltex Road, Look LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) Cebu
Address: Caltex Road, Look LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) Cebu
St. Augustine International School
Type of Business: Educational Institutions
Address: kagudoy road, basak lapu-lapu Kagudoy Road, Basak LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) Cebu
Address: kagudoy road, basak lapu-lapu Kagudoy Road, Basak LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) Cebu