A Guide to Tingloy Batangas in the Philippines. Tingloy Batangas directory and business listing.
Lea's Glassware Store
Type of Business: Retailer(Glassware)
Address: Market 1, (Glassware Section) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Market 1, (Glassware Section) Batangas City Batangas
Lean Learning Events Administration Center
Type of Business: Services (Tutorial & Event Organizer)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba (Gamboa Road) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Kumintang Ibaba (Gamboa Road) Batangas City Batangas
Leen Plasticware Store
Type of Business: Dry Good Store
Address: JPMM(Dry Goods Section) Batangas City Batangas
Address: JPMM(Dry Goods Section) Batangas City Batangas
Lei Michelle D. Resurreccion Glassware
Type of Business: Retailer (Glassware)
Address: JPMM (Glassware Section) Batangas City Batangas
Address: JPMM (Glassware Section) Batangas City Batangas
Leirene Ingco Fish Stand
Type of Business: Retailer(Fish)
Address: Market 1(Fish Sect.) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Market 1(Fish Sect.) Batangas City Batangas
Leo and Bing Fruits And Vegetables Retailer
Type of Business: Retailer(Fruits & Vegetables)
Address: NBCPM(Fruits & Vegetables Section) Batangas City Batangas
Address: NBCPM(Fruits & Vegetables Section) Batangas City Batangas
Leomar Security Services, Inc.
Type of Business: Security services ( 6 Posting only)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Leona Toy Retailer
Type of Business: Retailer(Toy)
Address: Market 1(Toys & Bags Section) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Market 1(Toys & Bags Section) Batangas City Batangas
Leoncio Grocery Store
Type of Business: Grocery Store
Address: JPMM(Grocery Sec.) Batangas City Batangas
Address: JPMM(Grocery Sec.) Batangas City Batangas
Leoniza's Native Delicacies
Type of Business: Retailer(Kakanin)
Address: JPMM(Cooked Food Section) Batangas City Batangas
Address: JPMM(Cooked Food Section) Batangas City Batangas
Leonor and Ismael Egg Store
Type of Business: Retailer(Egg)
Address: NBCPM(Grocery Sec.) Batangas City Batangas
Address: NBCPM(Grocery Sec.) Batangas City Batangas
Leopoldo Ramos Bodega
Type of Business: Garments Section, Stall No. 61
Address: NBCPM(Garments Section) Batangas City Batangas
Address: NBCPM(Garments Section) Batangas City Batangas