A Guide to Balagtas Batangas City Batangas in the Philippines. Balagtas Batangas City Batangas directory and business listing.

Pia And Ica Eatery

Type of Business: Eatery(TUP)
Address: Balagtas(Sitio 3) Batangas City Batangas

Plaza De Roxas Motel

Type of Business: Lodging House(34 rooms)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

Queen Lee Massage Parlor

Type of Business: Services (Massage Parlor)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

Ricky & Boybits Barber Shop

Type of Business: Services(Barber Shop)
Address: Balagtas(Talipapa) Batangas City Batangas

Rizalito Bamboo Craft

Type of Business: Manufacturer (Bamboo Craft-Kubo)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

Rommel Vulcanizing Shop

Type of Business: Services(Vulcanizing Shop)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

Ronaldo G. Blanco Livestock Farm

Type of Business: Cattle Fattening (1o-heads)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

Ronnie's General Merchandise

Type of Business: General Merchandise
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

Services(Concrete Testing Center)

Type of Business: Services(Concrete Testing Center, Inc.
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

SKC Auto Supply and Motor Shop

Type of Business: Retailer(Auto Supply)& Motor Shop
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas

Top Fuel Engine & autoparts Trading

Type of Business: Trading(Surplus-Auto Parts Engine)
Address: Balagtas(National Highway) Batangas City Batangas

Tweet Me Videoke & Canteen

Type of Business: Eatery with Videoke
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas