A Guide to Balagtas Batangas City Batangas in the Philippines. Balagtas Batangas City Batangas directory and business listing.
Quatro Elle's Diner
Type of Business: Eatery (TUP)
Address: Balagtas (Diversion Road) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas (Diversion Road) Batangas City Batangas
R.G. Blanco Construction & General Services
Type of Business: Construction & General Services
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Racal Motorsales Corporation
Type of Business: Dealer/retailer(Motorcycle)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Rams Store
Type of Business: Sari Sari Store
Address: Balagtas(Sitio 1) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas(Sitio 1) Batangas City Batangas
RC De Villa Store
Type of Business: Sari Sari Store
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
RMS Vulcanizing shop
Type of Business: Vulcanizing shop (TUP)
Address: Balagtas (Amihan Village) Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas (Amihan Village) Batangas City Batangas
Roland C. Bathan Real Estate Lessor
Type of Business: Real Estate Lessor(Commercial Bldg.)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
RRM GAZ Trading Corporation
Type of Business: Dealer(Lpg)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Ryzel's RTW Store
Type of Business: Retailer(RTW)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Sadelta construction Supply
Type of Business: Trading(Construction supplies)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Samut's Sar-Sari Store
Type of Business: Sari-Sari Store(TUP)
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
San Miguel Brewery, Inc.
Type of Business: Manufacturer
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas
Address: Balagtas Batangas City Batangas