A Guide to Jenny Plastic Products in the Philippines. Jenny Plastic Products directory and business listing.

Golden Touch Manufacturing

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 15 F. Lazaro St., Manotoc Subd, Marulas Valenzuela Metro Manila

Goodyear Steel Pipe Corporation

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 615 Candida Cmpd., La Mesa St. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Gracious Bell Industries

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 18-A I. Francisco St. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Great Prestige, Inc.

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: San Diego St. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Greencycle Corporation

Type of Business: Recycled Plastic Products
Address: 10 I. Francisco St., Malinta Valenzuela Metro Manila

Grense Innovative Corporation

Type of Business: Recycled Plastic Products
Address: 093 FDC Compd. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Handa Wailong Incorporated

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 16 Libra Batimana Cmpd., Marulas Valenzuela Metro Manila

Hargold Marketing Enterprises

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 3050 Unit 3 Urrutia Ave., Tanada Subd. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Harith Enterprises

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 66 Mars St. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Hilton Manufacturing Corporation

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 648 T. Santiago St. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Hivorex Industrial Corporation

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 41 Sapang Bakaw St. Valenzuela Metro Manila

Hogan Industries

Type of Business: Plastic Products
Address: 390 Bldg., San Diego St. Valenzuela Metro Manila