A Guide to Kumintang Ibaba in the Philippines. Kumintang Ibaba directory and business listing.

Abacus Global Technovisions, Inc.

Type of Business: Real Estate Lessor/Services(Realty Office)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba Batangas City Batangas

Abacus Internet Cafe

Type of Business: Computer Shop (5-units) TUP
Address: Kumintang Ibaba (Hilltop road) Batangas City Batangas

ABS -CBN Corporation

Type of Business: Services (News Studio w/Office)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba (Philam Life Bldg.) Batangas City Batangas

Accudata, Inc.

Type of Business: Services(Data Entry)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba Batangas City Batangas

Aida Alonzo Space Rental

Type of Business: Real Estate Lessor(lot)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba(Arce Subd.) Batangas City Batangas

Albert Barber Shop

Type of Business: Services(Barber Shop)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba(Tolentino Rd.) Batangas City Batangas

Albien Dormitory

Type of Business: Dormitory w/ canteen
Address: Kumintang Ibaba Batangas City Batangas

Alcos Water Refilling Station

Type of Business: Water Refilling Station
Address: Kumintang Ibaba(Hilltop) Batangas City Batangas

Alville Internet Cafe

Type of Business: Computer Shop(8 units-TUP)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba(Gamboa Rd.) Batangas City Batangas

Ana Estremos Apartment

Type of Business: Real Estate Lessor (Boarding House)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba (Belegal Road) Batangas City Batangas

Anditan Customs Brokerage

Type of Business: Services(Customs Brokerage Office)
Address: Kumintang Ibaba Batangas City Batangas

Andwill Apartment

Type of Business: Real Estate Lessor
Address: Kumintang Ibaba Batangas City Batangas