A Guide to Laiya Batangas in the Philippines. Laiya Batangas directory and business listing.

Reach A Star Eatery

Type of Business: Eatery
Address: P. Burgos St.,(Vicmar Plaza) Batangas City Batangas

Realyn Claus fish Store

Type of Business: Retailer(Fish)
Address: Market I(Fish Sec.) Batangas City Batangas

Recios Personalized Embroidery

Type of Business: Services(Embroidery)
Address: Bay City Mall Batangas City Batangas

Red Ron Barber Shop

Type of Business: Services(Barber Shop)
Address: Evangelista St., Batangas City Batangas

Reijoleijeth Trucking & Rental Services

Type of Business: Services(Trucking & Shuttle Rental)
Address: Pinamucan Ibaba Batangas City Batangas

Remedios Fish Retailer

Type of Business: Retailer(Fish)
Address: JPMM(Fish section) Batangas City Batangas

Renato Kapeng Barako Store

Type of Business: Grocery Store
Address: JPMM(Sugar & Coffee Sec.) Batangas City Batangas

Rend JJ Marketing

Type of Business: Distributor(Softdrinks)
Address: Mahabang Parang Batangas City Batangas

Resma Dried Fish Stall

Type of Business: Retailer(Dried Fish)
Address: JPMM(Dried Fish Section) Batangas City Batangas

RFC Room Rental

Type of Business: Real Estate Lessor (Commercial bldg.)
Address: Calicanto Batangas City Batangas

RFH Mike Maker

Type of Business: Manufacturer(Miki)
Address: Tinga Itaas Batangas City Batangas

Rhaba Sabah Store

Type of Business: Sari Sari Store
Address: JPMM(Fruits & Vegetables Section) Batangas City Batangas